Wednesday, January 16, 2013

TAG, You're IT!!

If you missed our Winter Dreams open-mike night due to bad weather, ill health, or you just plain forgot.....
well, you also missed an interesting side game of Zombie Dice in which one of the dice was almost eaten.... ask Sage and Amanda.  Next time.

Meanwhile, we now have 3 TAG (Teen Advisory Group) members who will start helping us plan future events and programs.  We try to plan at least one program a month as well as activities for Teen Tech Week (March 10-16, 2013), Teen Read Week (Oct. 13-19, 2013) and our Summer Reading Program. 

So, if you find yourself with extra time on your hands, or you just feel like sharing your ideas and talents with us to make your library your even more favorite place to be,  JOIN US!!

Drop me an e-mail @ 

                                           TUESDAY  January 22, 2013  @ 4:00-5:00pm 

See YA @ your Library!
Kath Ann

P.S.  Did I mention there will be snacks?

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