Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hobbit Party!

School is out and we are now officially in full swing with Summer Reading fun and activities-

For those who missed it, we had a great kickoff for summer reading:  The HOBBIT PARTY was held Monday evening and was attended by over 75 people (we lost count after that) and we had so many fun things to do.  An unexpected journey through the library, Hobbit trivia, paper hobbit creations and pages to color, as well as a wonderful meal to share in Bilbo's Hobbit Hole.  On the menu were Orc Boulders, Dwarves's Brew, Golum's Catch, Bilbo's Teacakes, and more!  And, one lucky soul made off with The One Ring!  At least we think so.... the ring is gone but we couldn't see him or her?

Anyway.... Many Thanks to the teens who helped plan and create this event:  Emilee, Cameron, Sydney, Kaylee, Sage. Amanda, and Ashlyn; and library staff members: Kathryn, Becky, Greg & Becca; as well as library volunteer: Masey.

We will be showing the movie: "The Hobbit: An unexpected journey"  this Friday @ 2:30pm,  and "Gnomio and Juliet" for the younger crowd on Thursday @ 2:00pm

If you haven't signed up for the teen summer reading program, BENEATH THE SURFACE,  get down to the library and join the fun, 'cause we have FUN!

See YA @ the library
Kath Ann

Warming by a cozy fire

The Hobbit Hole

Might be the recipient of The One Ring....

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