Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Countdown to Hunger Games TRIVIA

Only three people have turned in their answers so far..... so what are your waiting for!?

Questions 6-10

     6.      What is an avox?
a.       A person punished for rebelling against the Capitol that has had their tongue removed
b.      A fanciful flying creature common in the Capitol
c.       A spy used by the Capitol to expose traitors
     7.  What was Katniss’s score from the Gamemakers?
a.       12
b.      13
c.       11
     8.  Peeta Mellark is picked as the boy tribute from District 12.  Why does this trouble Katniss?
a.       Katniss is related to Peeta
b.      Peeta is a good friend
c.       She feels indebted to Peeta for saving her life
     9.  What startling thing does Peeta say in his interview before the games?
a.       That his father loved Katniss’s mother
b.      That he has been training for this all of his life
c.       That he loves Katniss
     10.  What is the name of the black market in District 12?
a.        The Seam
b.      The Hob
c.       The Nob

Remember to submit your answers to:  khendricks@marshallpl.org or go to this link- Kath Ann  or come into the library to fill out the full form. Be sure to include your name and HUNGER GAMES TRIVIA in subject line.

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