Thursday, March 15, 2012

Countdown to Hunger Games TRIVIA- DAY 4

DAY 4 TRIVIA   submit your answers to: Kath Ann's email  include "Hunger Games Trivia" in subject line.  REMEMBER.... BONUS QUESTIONS ON THE BLOG ONLY ON FRIDAY

     16.  What does Rue warn Katniss of that is so dangerous?
a.        Poisonous berries
b.      Where the Career Tributes are camped
c.       The Tracker Jackers
     17.  What is Rue’s last request of Katniss as she is dying?
a.        To tell her family goodbye
b.      To cover her with flowers
c.       To sing to her
     18.  Claudious Templesmith offers a feast backpack at the Cornucopia for each tribute with things                        they really need.  What does Katniss find in their backpack?
a.        Hypodermic needle with medicine
b.      Loaf of bread and soup
c.       Sleeping syrup
     19.   What did Thresh use to kill Clove?
a.        Knife
b.      Bare hands
c.       A rock
     20.  What is the name of the poisonous berry that ends up killing Foxface?
a.        Blacknight
b.      Deathberries
c.       Nightlock

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